Green electricity is generated from "sustainable" sources, or clean and inexhaustible sources: the sun, wind, water, and biomass. Unlike gray electricity, which is produced by the burning of petroleum, natural gas, or coal, green electricity is a lot better for the environment.
The Bio Energie Centrale Cuijk produces green electricity with biomass, mostly from prunings. This shredded material is burned in the boiler. Anyone who purchases green electricity reduces the use of fossil fuels, oil, natural gas, and coal. However, all electricity generated by energy suppliers, both green and gray electricity, ends up on the same electricity grid. The power from the socket is always the same, but it is about the origin that determines the "green" or "gray" label.
Why is biomass green?
There are still some misunderstandings about the green label for energy created from biomass combustion. After all, incineration still takes place, whereby the CO2 greenhouse gas is released. Yet this stream is sustainable as part of a CO2 cycle. When the wood grew, it absorbed the same amount of CO2 from the atmosphere - and with us, it is also a regional cycle, since BECC only buys biomass from a circle of 100 kilometers around Cuijk. If we did not burn these residual streams in our boiler, they would be composted, and CO2 also gets released during this process.
Illustration: Circular biomass power plant
Truly regional
Our regional cycle is an important difference with other biomass plants that burn so-called pellets, pressed wood for which whole trees are often used. The pellet trade spans the entire world. The Netherlands imports them from the United States and the Baltic States, among others. Such pellets are not necessary and not welcome at BECC.
Exactly how the cycle works can be seen below in the video from the Algemene Inlands Wood Association about the contribution of biomass to sustainable energy. (Dutch - switch YouTube subtitles on)
Are we running out of biomass?
Of course, there is a limited amount of biomass available. We believe that our power station should not use more wood than it grows annually in our area. Because we know our regional suppliers well, we can keep a close eye on how much pruning and scrap wood is available. Independent studies show that there is more than enough biomass available to run and grow BECC. Green electricity from biomass is one of the solutions to end the use of fossil fuels. Additionally, sun, wind, and hydropower are equally necessary. The significant advantage of biomass is that it can be stored and always usable, even when it is not windy and during the night.
Sustainable electricity production based on regional residual flows is an addition to our portfolio of green electricity, if the wind is not blowing and the sun is not shining, for our private customers at Huismerk Energie and for our business customers at the Groene Stroomfabriek.
Peter den Biesen, CEO 'de Groene Stroomfabriek'
Come and visit our open days
There is a lot to tell and learn about green electricity, biomass, and circular systems. BECC wants to make the difference locally in the first steps towards a better environment because our choices in energy supply lay the foundation for the living environment of future generations. Several times a year we show what we do and what we want to achieve on an open day. Registration is required to visit our site. Register here and receive a message about future open days.
Students are the future. We enjoy the fresh ideas that we regularly hear from young people. They think open-mindedly and strive for a better and honest world. To stimulate this thinking, BECC issues an annual assignment for secondary school students: bring us new ideas for a better environment and even more sustainable energy production.