Hydrogen in sight
Without the combined support of Beequip and NIBC, upgrading BECC to Energy Hub would have been more complicated, Huisden thinks. "For us, this equipment is a solid business case. It is custom work, but in the unlikely event that something goes wrong, we can deploy the modules elsewhere. Traditional financiers of small and medium-sized enterprises do not have that knowledge, so they have to demand other securities such as real estate or the pledging of stocks."
The term "stick to what you know" also applies to Beequip, which is why they ignored the financing of the e-boiler: "We know too little about that, and then we should look at it like a bank. We only want to do what we are good at."
At the same time, Beequip is looking at energy sources still under development, such as hydrogen. Van 't Oor: "At TU Delft, we are in contact with both the electrical and the hydrogen teams and can commit to them."
Huisden: " At times, it almost seems like football rivals Feyenoord and Ajax, but we think we need both. Hydrogen and electricity both have limitations and advantages. Beequip only offers battery solutions, but we are discussing hydrogen-based vehicles and generator sets. These are still prototypes and test setups, but we will join in as soon as a product comes onto the market in series."