The circular future has already begun in Cuijk
<i>The circular future </i> <i>has already begun in Cuijk</I>
<i>The circular future </i> <i>has already begun in Cuijk</I>
  • © 2024 BECC BV 0

The circular future has already begun in Cuijk

BECC, the engine of sustainability

Bio Energie Centrale Cuijk is the proud supplier of green electricity and sustainable heat to the industry in our working area. Our energy sources are prunings, scrap wood, and paper sludge from the environment, material for which there is no other useful purpose. BECC meets the strictest emission standards so that the environment benefits but is not bothered by us. We are proud of being the leader in making Northeast Brabant more sustainable. Our mission: to make the entire industrial site in Cuijk climate neutral, no later than 2030.

Locally rooted

BECC is an energy company with strong local roots. Supported by government subsidies, the bio-energy plant started producing green electricity in 1999. Then owner Essent / RWE stopped the installation in 2010 when the funding ended. In June 2015, four entrepreneurial experts jointly took over and restarted the exchange, with NIBC Bank as an investor and with the support of Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij and the municipality of Cuijk.

Regional biomass

BECC only uses local biomass from residual streams. For the most part, this is pruning wood from the region, a circle of 100 kilometers around Cuijk. About a quarter of our fuel is scrap wood that has previously had a useful purpose. Additionally, we process a small fraction of paper sludge from one of our customers, the paper factory Essity. Because we limit ourselves to these raw materials as a matter of principle, not a single square meter of forest disappears for BECC's energy, and the environmental impact remains minimal.
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Illustration: Resources cover a maximum of 100km

Proudly on the way to a climate-neutral industrial site

We continue to work with our customers and suppliers with the full commitment of making North Brabant more sustainable based on regional biomass. BECC is the largest sustainable generator with local biomass residues from North Brabant, and we are proud of our particularly low environmental impact per MWh generated. With our partners, we see a climate-neutral industrial estate as a dream that, together, we will make a reality.
As a municipality, we are particularly pleased with the construction of the sustainable heating network, which has led to, among other things, the construction of a new factory by Duynie Ingredients. We are happy to continue working with BECC to make the entire industrial site climate neutral!
Drs. M.F.R.A. (Maarten) Jilissen,
Economic Affairs Councilor


Biomass fuel from the area, transport a maximum of 100 kilometers. We produce heat for the local network and green energy for everyone.


A sustainable power plant according to the latest insights, with regional raw materials and ultramodern filter technology. Our environmental impact is the lowest in the country.


Our regional cycle of growing, pruning, and generating energy keeps the CO2 emissions and uptake balanced.


Biomass plants, in combination with sun, wind, and hydropower, make it possible to say goodbye to polluting fossil fuels.